Vu B. Minh



(b.1985, VIETNAM)

Since an early age, the young Vu had been exposed to the art of folk wooden sculptures. Following in the footsteps of his
grandfather and father, who were traditional sculptors, Vu contributed to the decoration of Buddhist sites since the age of
eight. His childhood was filled with visits to temples and pagodas of Bac Ninh, a northern city that was the earliest center
of Buddhism in Vietnam. Naturally, Vu's childhood inspires him to work with sculpture - a family's tradition that has
become his deepest passion.

In Vietnam, Vu is one of the very few contemporary sculptors who works with iron and steel, and he finds in the materials
uncountable potentials. In most of his works, the artist assembles readymade iron bars together using the welding
technique. He creates repeated patterns that resemble the biomorphic shapes of cumulus clouds, which seen like a series
of uninterrupted loops.



M.A, Department of Sculpture, Vietnam University of Fine Arts, VIETNAM, 2012

B.A, Major in Sculpture, Vietnam University of Fine Arts, VIETNAM, 2009





" Convergence" , Palm Artspace Ecopack - VIETNAM


"48.2", Fine Arts Exhibition Center - Photography in Hanoi - VIETNAM


"KMUTNB" 6th International Art and Design Workshop: " Contemporary Art Thai", Faculty of Architecture and Design KMUTNB - THAILAND


"Tho", Fine Arts Exhibition Center - Photography in Hanoi - VIETNAM


National Fine Art Exhibition " Armed Force and Revolutionary War", The Museum of History and Revolution, Ha Noi - VIETNAM


"48.2", 25 Bat Su, Ha Noi - VIETNAM


"Capital Fine Art Exhibition", 16 Nho Quyen Street, Ha Noi - VIETNAM


"Hidden Corner and The End", Hanoi Fine Arts University, Ha Noi - VIETNAM

Fine Art Exhibition " Ha Noi- Dien Bien Phu In The Air", 45 Trang Tien, Ha Noi - VIETNAM


"Participating in the Ha Noi regional art exhibitions II" - VIETNAM


"Vietnam Fine Art Exhibition" ,( 2006-2010), Ha Noi - VIETNAM

"Participating in the Ha Noi regional art exhibitions II" - VIETNAM


"Participating in the Ha Noi regional art exhibitions II" - VIETNAM


10 years of sculpture nation 5th

"Participating in the Ha Noi regional art exhibitions II" , Ha Noi - VIETNAM


2018 Consolation Prize, The " Ha Noi regional art exhibitions I"- VIETNAM

Third Prize, The " Ha Noi regional art exhibitions I" - VIETNAM

Third Prize, The Exhibition " Art Festival for the youth" - VIETNAM

2016 Best Prize, The " Ha Noi regional art exhibitions I" - VIETNAM
2013 Third Prize, The " regional art exhibitions II" - VIETNAM

Young Prize of Vietnam Fine Arts Association



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