Lv Yanjun

(b.1959, Hebei, China)

Born in Handan City, Hebei Province, China, LV . Yanjun received no formal education as he has hearing impairment and could not write.  However, with his exceptional positice attitude in life, he persevered and taught himself the art of painting.  This admirable artist is critical of the loss of political discourse in modern Chinese society.  The women in Lv's paintings strike the viewer with their flawless appearance of perfect Oriental features and sensual lips.  Contained in the images of these women is Lv Yanjun's attempt to articulate the desire of the modern Chinese for the superficial and their display of such superficial accumulation.  He further emphasizes this through painting these women in the full uniform of the Cultural Revolution.  With Daughters of Dragons, Lv yunjun uses this image to hint at what he believes is the regression in Chinese Society.  He creates a contrast between China's current material obsessions with the more admirable ideals of the Chinese individual of the past. 

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